Lord of the Rings: Shadow of Mordor

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Lord of the Rings: Shadow of Mordor

Post by dakshdar »

Realized I was never going to get into playing Madden again so I took my copy in to Best Buy while they had the +50% trade-in bonus, got $40 for it (I guess $20 cost for 3 months of play ain't bad), tacked on my $10 Best Buy Rewards cert and picked up Shadow of Mordor while it was on sale for $50 (at basically no additional cost).

Game is great and can be best summed up by changing the subtitle to:

Lord of the Rings: Shadow of Arkham's Creed of War

The game is a blend of the Batman: Arkham games, Assassin's Creed, and God of War all set (obviously) in Mordor. Fights are attack/counter/attack with some additional power moves and some ranged/bow mixed in as well.

There is an interesting plot to complete story missions to advance (you're dead, but alive and inhabited by the spirit of a wraith, taking revenge against Sauron's captains in Mordor), and plenty of side mission content from what I can see.

The battles are intense and gory.

Extremely bloody scenes of shoving your dagger through an Uruk's head? Yup.
Execution attacks chopping off an Uruk's head? Yes indeed.

Blood flying everywhere? Everywhere.

It also "debuts" (I don't think another game uses this yet) a Nemesis system where if you engage and fail to kill an Uruk or if an Uruk kills you, they get promoted higher up in Sauron's army and become more powerful. It works to the point where ones that have killed me more than once already I'm going to have to wait to take revenge on because they're too strong for my level. Keeps some battles like that in play longer as you can't just run back out and kill the one that killed you: you need to build some strength and strategize how to get him isolated within the open world (because otherwise what typically happens is you end up fighting 3-4 captains at once because they'll be alerted by the ongoing fight).

I think I played it more this weekend than I played Madden in 3 months.
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Re: Lord of the Rings: Shadow of Mordor

Post by Cnasty »

I have heard really good things and your description sums up what I have seen of it so far with the traversing of AC and the fight mechanics of Arkham.

The whole nemesis system looks very in depth and a nice twist to this type of game.

Its on my huge list of back logged games to play and will get to it eventually.
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