The A. Jalves Memorial Draft Prediction Thread

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The A. Jalves Memorial Draft Prediction Thread

Post by Uuaww »

It is the off-season, which for me means nothing as I am MF Tulane and really don't have to do much to keep my team so I am going to humor you with my draft predictions.

Let me tell you about A. Jalves. During the season you may know him as commish AJ. commish AJ ignores me and we play nice 99% of the time. But every offseason he turns into A. Jalves and remembers Ball St. vs Tulane from 4 seasons ago. A. Jalves dislikes Uuaww. I am hoping that this is the last season of A. Jalves and he can finally embrace the love that is Uuaww. Also, fyi, A. Jalves is Puerto Rican, also the J is a soft J so it is pronounced "halves".

Without further ado, the picks.

1. BIGmike- Florida- takes over the 1st spot, this may have been Walker's "roommate"; jhowle's position (my guess on the alias); but BigMike get it. Hes going to Florida to show AJ how to do it right
2. ReignOnU- Oklahoma- High pick for Reign, I think he goes to Oklahoma, just going with best available
3. buckeye76- Ohio State- the first thing I absolutely loved about the ghost incident or walker-gate; I haven't decided what it should be called yet, is that the powers that be (NDL Florida), were going to take away draft position and institute a bowl ban. It was fucking awesome. I wish they would do it more often, adds realism. I think that if you have too low of coaches reports, or if you break the 35 point rule, no removal, bowl ban and draft lowered, it'd be awesome.
4. fsupenguin- Florida State- part 1 of my least favorite usernames... THIS DOES NOT MAKE SENSE!!!!
5. VeniVediV1ci- Texas- Gingers are only supposed to be fans of like 10 teams, luckily Texas is one of them (although they are outright banned from only one, BYU)
6. brett11253- USC- NDL powers that be, shorten his username to just brett, further committing him to being like nick
7. quest4gold- Auburn- I can't quite remember if this is his "team" but I think it is for some reason, sad to see him leave C-USA, I think one of two coaches I have played 3+ times
8. mcx79- Miami (FL)- no idea who his team is but for some reason everyone else does, I swear I'm on the boards more than anyone else who doesn't read shit (as I write this I think of Shel who never reads anything)
9. Daw1git- Oregon- Not getting "his" team, but ends up at Oregon in what will be a weak Pac 10. Also, top 5 usernames I don't understand (number 1 is downing, which I thought meant down syndrome for the longest time but realized that was kinda mean)
10. JohnnyP- Oklahoma State- back to Walker-gate, how do we know JohnnyP isn't Weasel? ??!??!!? Roommates? Weasel is a soon to be doctor he could be like Dr. Jeckyll and Mr Hyde... how do we know?!
11. relio95- Texas A&M- RE-CI-OOOOOO's counterpart. Actually part of the triplets (the actor from Knocked Up is the 3rd), I wish he would post more on the boards just so we can all see that his is like Riccio
12. LytezOut- North Carolina- Spells his name with a Z so you know he means business. Takes over the 3rd most overrated team in NCAA (Texas, UConn)
13. seeitsaveit13- Wisconsin- Finally gets "his" team
14. bigred- Penn State- We are to the point where I will correctly predict maybe 3-4 picks total, this isn't one of them
15. sammy33- Oregon State- give up, you're never getting Nebraska back
16. LGF- Stanford- played BLOPS with him and Beefy one night, kicked ass, we were talking trash about NDL Florida when Beefy just starts yelling at some kid over the mic, something about Nuketown
17. Toro- Boise State- Fuckers, save this team for Toro! He's a season 1 Vet who has NEVER made a bowl game. And if he can't do it with Boise in this game, he may never
18. JustGiver31- TCU- God his wife must love him with a username like that, kudos to you sir
19. nole4real- Iowa-he was the moderator during the "ghost" incident, and it really made me realize how poor his grammar is, like it is just awful, go back and read the locked topic and try to decipher his posts
20. Cougnix-Washington State- Fucker just go to your team!!! I know they suck but you have to do it
21. texasfan4444-Texas Tech- I understand he is a Texas fan, but 4444 is latin for Tech, known fact
22. wsdp- Georgia Tech- another username I don't understand... at all
23. vicktim7- Michigan- There is no way they last this long do they? I mean looking at who picks, we have no Michigan fans in there... I'm thinking that if vicktim passes, gobucks might just take them and go 0-12 for funsies
24. gobucks95- Missouri- needs to post more on the boards, also why is 95 such a common number after usernames?
25. oldschoola- Mississippi- heard he's a cuddler, just sayin'
26. plasma1896- California- For the love of God lead by Bears to the promise land! 6ft and myself are the Cal fans, and neither of us are going to take them, so do it for us plasma
27. beercop- UCLA- beercop vs nick, Alabama vs Canada will become one of the biggest rivalries of 2011
28. Vttwinky34- Boston College- first of the new duo, new coaches who come in and do well. Now one of three things will happen, they get comfortable on the boards and act like niddler, don't get comfortable, or they get comfortable and act like brett (nick part deux)
29. rworkman83- Minnesota- 2nd of the new duo, more likely to become contributing member of the boards based solely on username and "his" team (not V-Tech)
30. huskerskev84- Arizona State- utmost respect for this guy since our days on NDL ESPN, but has kept me out of bowl games before in 5-7 seasons... fucker
31. jeffdaddy12- Colorado State- honestly think he's going back there JUST for the sig
32. hitem4781- Tennessee- such a deep draft, 30 picks in and we have plenty of amazing teams left
33. Black Crowes- Mississippi State- Only thing I can ever think about when I see his username is the movie The Crow, which sucked soooo hard. Like anyone who likes that movie is automatically a douche
34. Ndlquack- Maryland- needed to be more vocal this year as Jsense part deux emerged in autiger, decided to stay quiet when needed most, let down
35. Cnasty- Kentucky- There isn't another user who loves the female forum more (vets excluded), steers topics torwards the FF any chance he gets
36. tball275- Baylor- silent coach
37. Baker- Northwestern- another silent coach
38. Runthepound- Fresno State- when he played pound the rock, they did an article called the pound for pound challenge, it was GOAT
39. gambit725- Virginia- Another new user who hasn't come out yet on the boards
40. Taruncheel- South Florida- spite pick
41. Dakshdar- BYU- another username I don't understand, I just reason him to be the token Arab of the league
42. Steelcitychaos- Navy- Navy never lasts this long, but I do think he will take a Northeast team
43. BigZZ916- Kansas- Newbies always take best available in there first "good" draft
44. dealer4014- Iowa State- the 3rd season of any game is when people in the 40s always try to "prepare" for next season, taking a team shitty in this years game who is going to get a ratings boost next game, this is one of those picks
45. BigRy- Nevada- and this is another
46. autiger730- UAB- at least you get an Alabama team. From the neutral observer the the Auburn/Alabama vs Canada fight was a loss-loss, because if you sided with one canada, you sided with nick, on the other side was autiger... either way you left upset
47. Chuskerpride- Kansas State- classic midwestern boy
48. iRoccafella- Purdue- all I call think of when I see this username is how black he must be, racist? maybe
49. ajalves- Air Force- all I know is he isn't going to C-USA
50. hugme49- Wake Forest- super presh user, needs to post more
51. kurt8181- ECU- ever watch Glee, all I can think of when I see this username is Babygay Kurt, and don't act like some of you don't watch Glee, great show
52. ICE- Vanderbilt- My only bowl appearance to date was against an 11-1 Ice team and he just crushed me
53. the_niddler- SMU- surived the Ghost incident as the number 1 suspect (or maybe that went to brett/nick), now it's back to reality for Jeffmo, I'd like to see him in C-USA
54. OracleHCR- San Diego State- classic set-up pick for next season, they will be good in NCAA 12
55. wastingU- Marshall- he likes to party all the time, and I bet he rocks the fist pump harder than anyone else
56. Hoos- Southern Miss- he also likes the party all the time, just a different kind of party
57. MVikes84- Northern Illinois- So we come to the MAC teams, where you have to deal with Trendon's rating-geddon
58. matt32- Temple- lock it up, this new user will be the next nick/brett. All the signs are there, lowercase first name username, silent at first, slowly building up posts...
59. krgkmg- Wyoming- old school user who will use this season as a springboard to next where he will firmly plant himself in a BCS conference for years
60. Bucki2000- Memphis- Another userwith Buckeye some how in the username, we have like 4 of them... we get it, you guys like Ohio State
61. BsktbllJk- UTEP- come on back to C-USA buddy, we missed you
62. Hart4Heisman- Bowling Green- how hard must it be to be Hart, he is the other Canadian (the one who doesn't post high) and basically restrains himself from all Canada convos
63. mtwasik- UNLV- yeah, he isn't leaving the Mtn West
64. usmarine7t- Troy- this marine always wanted to be a Trojan
65. shiftdnb- LA Tech- shifty goes south
66. RB4SC22- MTSU- one of the worst teams to pick up, they look good on the outside but that win goal of 6 or 7 sucks....
67. I_S33M_THAB33T_U- Western Michigan- Another Michigan fan, with another Michigan team
68. TEEwade- Arkansas State- established user picking wayyy low. what does it mean? he got lazy and didn't do recaps
69. ndlkdog36- Idaho- kdog's been vocal on the boards lately, resurgence ahead?
70. dcane7- Akron- he aint ever gonna talk
71. nick- FIU- thinks if CNasty can do it, he can too, he can't though
72. Easportsbama- Rice- I love waiting to see who takes Rice as it is the only game I am favored in all season long. I always home its a really shitty owner so I can hopefully meet my win goal... not that it matters, I can go 0-12 and do half recaps and still keep Tulane (as I did in season 20)
73. BigStimpin- Ohio- revenge pick
74. Old Ky Shark- Western Kentucky- needs to post of the boards more. I have a feeling he is like a beefy or Oracle and needs to be heard
75. Harder- New Mexico- Will follow JeffDaddy wherever he goes
76. Ciroc™- Kent State- old user, still hasn't pulled it together though
77. matt90210- New Mexico State- Hollywood needs to show this new matt32 who's boss
78. cunit879- Ball State- is he taking the balls or are they taking him? go cunt go!
79.TPev20- Miami (OH)- starting it up
80. Yragha- North Texas- ok hes back after a year off, you ever go to the Hall of Fame page? it needs cleaning up there are like 5 Yrags... CONSOLIDATE!
81. dtilson- LA- Lafayette- dittles goes to ULALA
82. syronedog- Utah State- think this is a newbie, welcome
83. lstee- FAU- another newbie, I welcome

Ok, can't believe I did that in one sitting, no one flies on New Years Day (at least in the morning).
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Re: The A. Jalves Memorial Draft Prediction Thread

Post by kdog36 »

Very nice
Classic comments and. Love the NDL Florida comments. ;)

But I know someone that will be very upset if a certain makes it to a certain pick.
should be fun.
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Re: The A. Jalves Memorial Draft Prediction Thread

Post by krgkmg »

Good Stuff!
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Re: The A. Jalves Memorial Draft Prediction Thread

Post by ICE »

Good stuff!!! I'm glad to see you remember your only bowl game fondly! Too bad I went 1-11 last season :cry:
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Re: The A. Jalves Memorial Draft Prediction Thread

Post by cougnix »

Lmao, I have tried the last 3 drafts!

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Re: The A. Jalves Memorial Draft Prediction Thread

Post by dealer4014 »

nice job uuaww
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Re: The A. Jalves Memorial Draft Prediction Thread

Post by jeffdaddy »

ahhh, the fucking Colorado St sig!

You da man!!
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Re: The A. Jalves Memorial Draft Prediction Thread

Post by ndlquack »

34. Ndlquack- Maryland- needed to be more vocal this year as Jsense part deux emerged in autiger, decided to stay quiet when needed most, let down
As Oregon fans we didn't want to jynx anything with the football team. It was better just to be quiet and humble while enjoying this awesome year. Plus Oregon loves to be the underdog going into a big game. Just ask Colorado in 2001 ;)

Good stuff though uuaww lol

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Re: The A. Jalves Memorial Draft Prediction Thread

Post by nick »

im gonna start mailing people my autograph soon lol.
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Re: The A. Jalves Memorial Draft Prediction Thread

Post by VeniVediV1ci »

nick wrote:im gonna start mailing people my autograph soon lol.
i think we have enough toilet paper
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Re: The A. Jalves Memorial Draft Prediction Thread

Post by nick »

VeniVediV1ci wrote:
nick wrote:im gonna start mailing people my autograph soon lol.
i think we have enough toilet paper
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Re: The A. Jalves Memorial Draft Prediction Thread

Post by Nole4real »

"a. jalves" :lol: :lol:
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Re: The A. Jalves Memorial Draft Prediction Thread

Post by Cnasty »

Nole4real wrote:"a. jalves" :lol: :lol:
It never dies
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Re: The A. Jalves Memorial Draft Prediction Thread

Post by iRoccafella »

Uuaww wrote:48. iRoccafella- Purdue- all I call think of when I see this username is how black he must be, racist? maybe
I'm a hybrid black guy. Thanks! Wtf am I always predicted to get Purdue... :roll:
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Re: The A. Jalves Memorial Draft Prediction Thread

Post by The_Niddler »

Good write up Uuaww.
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Re: The A. Jalves Memorial Draft Prediction Thread

Post by LGF »

Stanford...are you fuckin crazy. Maybe...maybe not... :D
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Re: The A. Jalves Memorial Draft Prediction Thread

Post by texasfan4444 »


Much love!
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Re: The A. Jalves Memorial Draft Prediction Thread

Post by sammy33 »

Good read sir. You may be on to something ;)
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Re: The A. Jalves Memorial Draft Prediction Thread

Post by beercop »

texasfan4444 wrote:4444=tech

Much love!
I thought 4444= A&M?
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Re: The A. Jalves Memorial Draft Prediction Thread

Post by chuskerpride »

i think uuaww intercepted my draft list...
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