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MLB14 The SHOW Rules

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 6:01 am
by I_S33M_THAB33T_U
NDLB on The Show is all about enjoying the great game of baseball online. This is not a "win at all cost" league. Yes everybody wants to win, but in NDLB on The Show, it's more important to have fun, win or lose. Have fun and play fair.

Specific Number Related Rules for NDLB

For the Current Season (NDLB Spring Season):

Season Length: ? Games

Max # of Games Pitcher can start: ?(Strict 5-Man Rule enforced - Any SP who starts more than ? Games will a) resolve in an auto loss for the team they faced doing it, b) is "shut down" until the playoffs, and c) not even permitted to be moved to the NOT try this)

Trading Deadline: When a team completes their 29th Game, they have passed the trading deadline. This means your trade must be completed before you finish your 29th game of the season. Game 30 and on is your "playoff roster". There is a point in the season where trading is turned off REGARDLESS if you have played 29 games or not! See the Regular Season Schedule thread for more details!

Free Agency: A two round system will permit everyone a chance to "sign" someone from the pool. You may NOT sign anyone freely until AFTER this two round process has been completed. The Commissioner will announce this setup before the first full week of the league is completed.

Trades: Trades will be approved by the Commissioner and trade panel AFTER they are completely and correctly posted in the Trading Announcements forum.Important!! This is intended to be a sim league. You will not be allowed to do a wholesale overhaul of your team based on the fact "you didn't get a team you liked".

Specific Game Play Rules to NDLB

Dirtballs - The number one rule in NDLB on The Show is to never, ever intentionally throw a dirtball. Even if you never intentionally throw dirtballs, it will still happen because the meter gets "stuck", or a certain pitcher like AJ Burnett has nasty movement and you missed the mark on the meter, lag, etc. I am not asking anyone to throw meatballs, quite the contrary. It's hard enough to make contact on "hittable" pitches as it is so I am asking everyone to be around the plate.

Never throw out the batter at first base using the right fielder - DO NOT DO IT. If it's a hit to RF then either throw to the cut off man or to 2nd base, not first. It happens so incredibly rare, that it will not be allowed here. Please just concede the hit and focus on the double play.

Quick Pitching - BALKS are on. The pitcher controls the pace of the game. If there is nobody on base, you can take as little as a few seconds between pitches. Some guys like to take a second or two longer, it depends on the owner. If you wait too long, the game will force a fastball down the middle, so we're covered there. There is no rule for how quick you have to pitch with nobody on base. With runners on, you MUST come to a complete stop with your pitcher before delivering the pitch.

Taking extra base with RISP using bunts or other situations Please don't use the bunt or other gameplay flaws (known from previous versions or new to this version) to take advantage of the game. I have seen people just hold L1 and send the runner to 3rd knowing that if the throw is to first, they have a good chance of getting the extra base due to laggy controls and fielder response issues. Just like the right fielder throw out, this can happen but rarely. This glitch can be used in other situations. It's ok to be aggressive in baseball, but this is clear that someone is taking advantage of the gameplay mechanics and knows when they are doing it.

Bluff/feign bunting/"Stride Dancing" - Don't do it at all. It becomes a distraction when pitching, especially if using the meter. Stride Dancing is deemed the making the player make his motion to stride towards the ball, but not swing.

Sacrifice bunt - In a known sacrifice bunting situation (for example the pitcher is up with a runner on first and nobody out), as the pitcher please pitch a buntable pitch preferably a fastball strike. As the batter please show bunt early (do NOT drag bunt) and bunt it back to the pitcher. If Albert Pujols suddenly bunts in the game, that's not considered sim.

When does a player NOT have to throw a fastball strike? The defense does NOT have to throw a meatball strike at any time there are runners in scoring position. If there's a runner on 1st and 2nd, the batter is taking a risk. The only real time a pitcher MUST square is when there is a runner on 1st.

Suicide squeeze - Use it SPARINGLY. It should not be done multiple times in a game, heck it should probably not be done multiple times in a series. It must make complete sense why you're doing this. "I'm just aggressive" doesn't cut it.

Drag bunt- Another thing frowned on as regular use. Sure you see it in games, but not three times a game. This isn't lobby games, so you are strongly discouraged from making this a regular part of your repertoire. I might expect to see this once every few games, but won't put a number on it. If a league member indicates you are excessively using this, and it becomes common place, you'll be asked to stop, and further abuse could result in removal. The pitcher animations can sometimes cause this to be mis-used.

Pitching Rotations - You must use a 5 man rotation. If possible try not to use the same starter twice against the same team unless there is more than one series. You will need to post on this website in a forum indicating who your rotation will be. In fairness, you will NOT be allowed to put a pitcher in the bullpen after they have been declared a starter on the boards. Injury, Trade & Free Agency will be the only exception to this rule!

No conceding games - All games must be played out. If you think that you are going to have a time issue then please do not start a game. This means you should have an hour to hour and 15 minutes available to play. The only exception is a real life issue, which of course is a totally different situation. This is really applying to a blowout game. Quitting will NOT be tolerated.

Early/quick steal - The early steal control is not allowed. Steals can be done with L2 or the L2/analog stick + base runner only. Please do not use the "Left Analog stick + base icon" as listed in the manual.

Practice Swings - Please keep it to a minimum. There is definitely a slowdown when taking a practice swing after each pitch. Do Not do this. All this does is cause lag and delay the game.

Cut Scenes - Please refer to The "Broadcast Mode" - Cutscenes Explained Thread viewtopic.php?f=69&t=35896

Replacing a Pitcher In The Middle Of An At Bat - Please do NOT replace any pitcher once an at bat has started. The only exception is if the pitcher gets injured then of course you can replace him. Please be sure to at least give a moment or two to allow for a possible pinch hitter.

Time Commitment - Everyone understands that life is more important than a video game. With that being said there is a minimum number of THREE games per week but try to get as many games in as you can. Don't start a game unless you have enough time to complete it. Inactivity will get you booted. Rage quitting will also get you booted.

In-Game Communication: It is not mandatory, but the use of an usb keyboard or a Bluetooth headpiece for in game chat is highly recommended. It might make things in-game easier to understand. We're adults, so act like it.

Disconnects not due to quitting: It's happened to us all. What do you do? The goal is to get games in their entirety. But sometimes this happens. Teams are permitted to concede a game (like a rainout) after 5 innings if they are losing, but ONLY if the connection causes the drop. If you are deemed to be quitting/conceding because you don't want to play anymore, that is not acceptable. By default, it teams cannot agree on a resolution, all games are reset and replayed, regardless of result. It is also the decision of each party how to handle the replay...some choose a clean start, others are willing to try to get the score back to where it was at the time...but the league as a whole will not force any decision default, a full replay will happen unless otherwise agreed upon. Good sportsmanship can earn you community points!

Negative Comments on AIM: Do not do it. If you have a complaint with someone violating rules, or not being fair or a good sport, bring that directly to me. It will be handled in an orderly fashion.

It is also recommended to use AOL Instant Messenger (AIM). It makes scheduling games much easier, and for good league banter beyond the forums. But this forum is the key area for communication!!

Re: MLB14 The SHOW Rules

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 6:03 am
by I_S33M_THAB33T_U
Also not some things may be adjusted for NEW/ADDED gameplay. And I have not put total number of games, yet either cause of options in the game I dunno about yet.