Do you want to play more league games?

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Do you want to play more league games?

Post by GT25Ump »

Hey all,

Usually I get up to the podium and ask NDLers to come down to the NDL Farm, to play as "ghosts" and evaluate the NDL wannabees. These past couple of seasons, we've actually been sitting good, with guys doing that job. We even have added conference commissioners for each of the four conferences. We're attempting to gradually make the Farm alittle more like the NDL, in various ways.

For those of you concerned about the type of gameplay you might see, in the Farm, we've done alot of "housecleaning", clearing out the guys that simply weren't getting positive coach reports. Why keep them around, if they just aren't NDL material, right? So, we're really confident that this upcoming season in the Farm will be the most similar to the style of play you see, here in the NDL, that's ever occured there!

Just wanted to put out an invite to anyone looking for more league-type football games to play, over the next couple of months.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the conference commissioners (kdog, pounddarock, oraclehcr, buckeye76). Currently, everyone's picking their teams and we hope to kick off another season, very soon.

Dr. Tom Gordon
NDL Farm Commissioner
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