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Aggie Family Needs Help

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 9:33 pm
by swellvermin
Went to school with this guy, never had a class together, though. He organized the Red-White and Blue OUT of Kyle Field in the aftermath of 9/11 and all the proceeds went to the victims families.

Taken from Good Bull Hunting (Aggie Blog)

My wife and my children are my life. I wake up every morning thankful that I get to be a dad and a husband...those two identities are interlocked to me, and make me who I am. My wife and my children are 100% my life, and without them I'd be nothing. There's a family who just got the absolute worst news anyone could imagine. Below is a summary.

Otto Gruner was born on June 6, 2012, second son of Gus and Kourtney and little brother to Cooper. A few months into his young life, Otto began showing signs of what were assumed to be developmental regression. Not only was he no longer reaching the milestones for children his age, it appeared as if certain aspects of his development were receding. As any loving mother would, Kourtney began searching for answers and taking Otto to various specialists in order to get him the help he needed.

On November 3, 2013 Gus and Kourtney became concerned that Otto might be suffering from an ear infection as they had noticed he'd been continuously tilting his head to one side. A seemingly routine trip to the doctor yielded the tragic news of a mass in little Otto's brain. The Gruners were immediately taken to Texas Children's Hospital in Houston.

After a few tense days in Houston, the mass in the brain was removed but it was learned that the tumor had spread to other parts of the brain and on to the back of his eyes. Finally, after a few more strained days the family was given the news they'd been dreading. The pathology report revealed that Otto's tumor was malignant. To make matters worse, the cancer was identified as Atypical Teratoid / Rhabdoid Tumor or ATRT. ATRT is an extremely rare and aggressive form of cancer and the survival rate for children under 3 years of age is 10% even after aggressive treatment.

After many tears, prayers, and long conversations, the Gruner family has decided that rather than subject little Otto to a myriad of treatments leading him to suffer from horrible side effects (with minimal chance of recovery), the best course of action is to get Otto back home to Navasota and make his last days as joy and love filled as possible.

Both Kourtney and Gus have recently taken new jobs and as such do not have the sick/vacation time built up to allow them to be with Otto full time. I urge you to donate whatever you can so that the family can focus all of their time and attention on Otto in the time they have left with him and not have to worry about making ends meet and paying the bills.

Tears are in my eyes as I write this because a large part of me would die if I lost one of my children. It would die and be gone forever and I would spend my entire life trying to fill that void. But in those two months that I had, I'd want to be with my son constantly. I'd want to spend every waking moment doing all the things I'd ever wanted with him. I'd want to sit in a room with his mother brother and him and hold each other. I'd want to travel. I'd want to laugh. I'd not to worry about a damn thing. I'd want to savor every single minute of every single day. The absolute last thing I'd want to do is worry about jobs and money and other meaningless shit. All of us work to live...we work so that we can come home at the end of the day and love on those we love. The last thing this family needs to worry about is money. In a little over 5 hours Aggies have raised close to 30k. We need your help to take it over the top to the full 60k. We cannot ease their suffering or their pain, but we can take money out of the equation.

Please donate here----

Unreal. Please help if you are able.