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NDL Scheduling Walkthrough

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 9:48 pm
by NCAA Dynasty League
NDL Custom Non-Conference Scheduling Walkthrough

Welcome to the Walkthrough for the NDL Non-Conference Scheduling tool. This will replace the 119 threads and searching each one to see who has a open week and who is available to play. As with all things, problems are bound to arise, but this scheduling tool should eliminate most of the ones associated with scheduling in prior seasons. To Access the Scheduling Tool, go to:


Anyone can go to this site, but you must be currently logged in and assigned a team in order to use this scheduling tool. The Following Steps will help you in challenging other teams, and getting your schedule ready for the upcoming season in the NDL. Once you log in, it will ask you for your email address, this is only so that game requests will be sent to your email address.

Custom Scheduling Home
Upon arrival to the site, you will be presented with a short introduction to the scheduling tool, as well as have multiple links to follow to help fill out your schedules. If you do not see your name in the second paragraph of this screen, you are not logged into the messageboard, and must do so before proceeding. Click one of the Links to the left to begin your search.

Browse By Team
You have a favorite team or almamater that you want to play, all you have to do is click the dropdown menu, which contains all 119 teams, and click the team that you want to schedule a game against. Once you click the team you want to search, a list of weeks will show up, at which time you will go to "Requesting a Game" portion of the walkthrough.

Browse By Coach
After multiple years of playing NCAA Football Online, many coaches have started personal rivalries, and may want to continue them into the current NDL season. Click the drop menu, and all coaches assigned a team will be displayed alphabatized by coach name. A reminder of the other coaches team will show beside thier name, so that you will know the team you are challenging, not only the coach. Once you click the coach you want to search, a list of weeks will show up, at which time you will go to "Requesting a Game" portion of the walkthrough.

Browse By Week
Tired of searching thread after thread only to never find an open week when you need it? Now, you can click the menu, and the week that you want to add a game, easy as that. A list of all teams with an open date on that week will show up. Simply click the team you want to challenge, and a list of weeks will show up, at which time you will go to "Requesting a Game" portion of the walkthrough.

Browse By Grade
Want to play the role of underdog? Search for that powerhouse team by clicking on the letter rating of a team that you wish to play, and all teams of that rating will show up. Simply click the team you want to challenge, and a list of weeks will show up, at which time you will go to "Requesting a Game" portion of the walkthrough.

Requesting A Game
A list of weeks will show up for the team or coach that you selected in the browsing menus. Click the week that you want to submit a challenge to the other coach for, and proceed to the Challenge Screen portion of the walkthrough. Remember, you can only submit games for weeks that you have open and teams not in your conference! (It wont let you even if you try)

Challenge Screen
When you select the week you want to submit the challenge for, you will get this screen that has your team and the team you challenged in drop boxes. Put one in the home and one in the away box, and submit by clicking the "Enter Information" button. The week that the challenge was requested is below the two team boxes. One of the neat features for this scheduling tool is that when you are challenged to a game, you will recieve an email to your email address registered to you on the messageboard letting you know of any new challenges you have recieved. Now that you have submitted a challenge, what to do?

Current Challenges
A list of all your current game challenges can be found here. A box containing the week, team, team ratings, and coach come up to help you decide to keep or reject the challenge. "ACCEPT GAME" appears only to the team that was challenged, and both the teams can "DECLINE GAME" from this screen. Once you decline a game, it is gone and must be re-challenged in order to bring it back. Be careful, the first game you accept in a week, cancels all other challenges for that week, and you are locked into a game that week.

Confirmed Games
To know if a game has been confirmed by the other coach, "GAME CONFIRMED" will replace "DECLINE GAME" in this screen. All confirmed games are final.

Team Schedules
Once games are confirmed, they are automatically added to the teams schedule, and no more challenges are permitted for that week. To view your teams schedule, just browse for your team and it will show up. Make sure to only have two open weeks by the end of scheduling. "--EMPTY WEEK" will display in your teams schedule to remind you which weeks you can search for a game. You can also check your teams projected win goals to see your current shchedule.

Win Goals
20% of the coach points depends on your seasons success, and here is a way that you can get a projected win goal for your team with your current schedule. It is all based on the team ratings, and is not a final win goal, those will be posted in your teams contract.

Admin Features
Administrators can now quickly assigned teams and adjust ratings based on possible changes through seasons in the NDL. The tedious task of copying and pasting the finished schedule into a PM is now history, as the schedule maker has access to all 119 schedules, so they can enter them into LeagueDaddy.

Special thanks to wes, nole, jeff, kegr8r, victim, brocam and 6ftdeep for helping with the beta testing, as well as thier input in making the older version that much better for all coaches.

Any questions or comments can be sent to NCSUholmey by AIM or PM, thanks and enjoy.